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About Us

Our Mission

To provide an international network of services to the widows, widowers and their families. This will be initiated mainly through networking with volunteers qualified in various fields to enable easy transitions and maintenance of their stability, unity and spirituality.”  

Our Mission

How it Started


Our Vision

A gift of love divinely inspired meeting the needs of widows and widowers everywhere.

It all began with a “towel”. Tamar International is a registered non-profit organization registered with the Ministry of Legal Affairs since 2009. It was officially launched on the 31 August, 2009 and bears the colors red, white and black. The name itself was given by the Lord and supported by the biblical account in Genesis thirty-eight (38). The name Tamar means “Palm tree”


Presently the Board is made up three Directors and eight other executive members who are coordinators that head the various services provided by the organization on a volunteer basis. These services include Childcare, Domestic Maintenance, Spiritual, Counseling and Nutritional/Hospitality. As a body not only have we recognized the important emphasis God made about the widows and orphans but Tamar International has also taken up the mandate to be a continuous life line to not only the widowed but those who have experience grief resulting from the physical or spiritual death of a love one, neighbor, colleague, friend or even a fiancé. At present we are operating on a volunteer basis.



We do network with various organizations/churches to further achieve our objectives.

Board of Directors


Anthony Berment

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David Berment

Director of Maintenance


Shirlyn Mitchell-Berment

President and Overseer


Lorraine Anthony-Bynoe

Director of Spiritual Support

Director of Nutritional Support

Coordinators & Advisors

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Sandra Scott

Hospitality Coordinator


Sofiya Farrell

Spiritual Support Coordinator 


Shirlyn Mitchell-Berment 

President & Administrator 


Karen Richards-Bruce

Childcare Coordinator


Stalin Sheppard

General Advisor


Ruth Bramble 

 Spiritual Support Assistant 

"The team that comes together has allot of experience......"by The Prophetic Poet - Ruth Bramble

Widows and Widowers Need Your Support Today!

Tamar International

A gift of love divinely inspired meeting the needs of widows and widowers everywhere!


Phone: 1(868) 795-3682

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