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The words to this song captured my heart, the early hours of this new day; “Who you say I am”; you’re free, no longer in chains, unless you allow yourself to be held captive by the trials, or circumstances of life, negative or uplifting.

I’ve been around many who have experienced the death of a spouse, and no two situations were the same nor the degree of pain felt. The memory can either cripple or push you forward to achieving life long dreams, goals or desires.

Maybe you are stuck in a place that’s safe for you but is it God’s best for you? Are you free, enjoying the flowers that still bloom, the waves that break by the seashore, or the moonlight on a full moon night? Life still goes on even though in your world you are asking yourself how and why did this happen to me?

Being around the widowed and having experienced widowhood in a marriage and actually becoming widowed has been life changing for me. The pain, emptiness, silence and void you feel can be replaced with God’s peace and comfort indeed. Before death came, God said to me; “ you will laugh again;” that was two years later after suffering the first death, a divorce that made me discover a strength that was always in me. Seven years of some experiences I may never be able to recount.

What has your journey been like? Is it one where you decided marriage is not a path you would take again, or in some cases you are enjoying love and marital bliss a second time around, for which you are so grateful to God.

Maybe you are one that has stated, we will go together or  you echo that sentiment of; “ I wouldn’t wish this upon my worst enemy, the sting of death...”

Whatever the testimony or life’s journey, I implore you to access the freedom and joy that only Christ the Savior of this world can offer. The payment for this freedom has been met in full.

Christ our forever example. 

John 8:36  If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. (KJV)

Written by: Shirlyn Mitchell-Berment

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