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You Always Come Through


He Always Come Through!

I began hearing those words in my spirit this morning. I have been in difficult situations, even

uncomfortable positions at times. Maybe you are at a particular season or junction in your life, wondering or feeling perplexed today.

Take some time if you can to recount the many times He came through for others. He will

certainly come through for you. You are not forgotten my friend. If God did it for Joseph while he was in a pit, Esther uncertain if the King would have outstretched his sceptre. Moses standing between the Red Sea and the enemies almost upon him.

You and I certainly deserve this promise.

Yes, those are past accounts but as recent as this morning, God gave me this reminder, I believe it’s for you and I, especially if in doubt or simply just battling and weary of the pressing circumstances; the action or change of position is seeing the results, speaking to yourself, if He did it for them, and He has not changed, He will do it for you and I. A key word in this phrase to meditate upon is; ALWAYS.

Impatience can step in, even frustration to the point that wrong choices can be made. Remember Sarah our patriarch of old, trying to help God, yep!, the situation can push us into making desperate devastating decisions.

Somebody say it: Wait! remind yourself, or just say it; “ You Always Come Through...” never

late but always on time. So today in your time of contemplation, or feeling of discouragement, abandonment or even isolation.

He sent this reminder to us, I am God, I changeth not, He ALWAYS comes through.

We came to far to give up now. Your wait, my wait is not in vain. The person you are today is

better than who you were yesterday. Made ready to receive what’s available just for YOU and I today!

As I end this blog, the words to this familiar song comes to mind; “He’ll Do It Again"; Sung by: Shirley Caesar. Promise yourself today as you believe for the answer, you would take some time and listen to the song and watch God come through for you.

Love Shirlyn



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